Success stories
Problem: Blocks for self-realization, attachment trauma
Request: express yourself freely and openly, find a career path
“After the session, I got even more than I wanted: there was a huge, dramatic shift in our relationship with my daughter. There is now a lot of tenderness and warmth between us.
If I had known that it was possible to influence relationships in this way, I would have come to Tanya earlier. Now there is no tension in communicating with my mother, I look after my needs which I honor and recognize, I have a core inside. The need to adapt to others, to be pleasing and comfortable for others, has disappeared. I became more of myself and it is easy for me.
Both the session itself and the meditation I received after it helped a lot. I was also supported by conversations with Tanya for 3 weeks after the session, when she emphasized the transformations that were happening to me, and they became more distinct. I was energized.
Such work is suitable for people who have teenage children because as parents we have a lot of traumas and outdated self-beliefs that prevent us from developing close relationships with our children.
Tanya is a very delicate person. I am glad that I decided to do the session, took advantage of the moment, did not miss my chance. I thank Tanya for her professionalism and delicate approach." Zhenya, Australia
Drastic shift in relationships with daughter
Achieved sustained result she wanted
"I came to Tanya after attending her webinar "I am a Healer" using the discount she offered to the participants. The price seemed high to me then, but I did not understand the amount of work involved. Now I know that the result is worth it. After a three-hour session Tanya followed up with me for 3 weeks, helping me deal with the emotions that accompanied my transformation. The meditation that Tanya did for me helped me a lot to achieve a sustainable result. " Svetlana, Australia
Let go off traumatic attachment
Issue: Attachment trauma
Result: Self- care, letting go off the outdated self-beliefs, self- acceptance
“When I met Tanya, she inspired my confidence and I had a good feeling that she would help me. I am a surgeon myself, and I sense other women who truly care. I felt that we were on the same wavelength.
In the past, I didn’t have much luck working with other therapies because I used to get stuck in my own head. Tanya has a different approach, as there is no analysis. I know that she has a plan and a protocol, but for me the session was as if it flowed naturally and organically, as if one thing followed from the other and everything was in harmony and had its own logic.
What helped me a lot was to look at myself and my childhood from the outside, as a grown up, to see thoughts about childhood that I still carry as an adult. Before, I felt as if I kind of looked at the old album, leafed through, thinking “ thank God, everything is old, already unnecessary, but you can't throw it away.” For the first time I was able to look at my trauma and pain from the outside, I saw the pain of a little child as an adult.
My life is different now, as I no longer want to react or rush. I want to stop, breathe, think and look inside. I recommend Tanya to people who want to find inner harmony and understanding of themselves. " Natalia, Russia
Started taking care of his needs
Issue: Putting the needs of others before my own, worry about meeting the expectations of others, aggression, anger because of this.
Severity of symptoms before session "10" / after session "4".
"I looked and I liked the description of what you do. I thought you were the kind of person who understands what it means to walk your own path to healing.
I had never heard of the method before, just browsing the Internet and somehow stumbled upon this technique which uses transformation techniques, visualization, psychological tools, hypnosis and NLP. I never went to a psychologist in my life and I didn't want a psychologist.
When I looked at different practitioners, I found you and thought that you would understand what I need and we could work together. I am always looking for connections with people, and I found it with you.
After the first conversation with you, I thought that you understood what I had to go through. You listened to understand. It was important because I needed someone to hear what I was going through.
I do a lot of spiritual work and teach spiritual practices; in these practices, I use “deep listening” and talk to other people to understand; it means to listen deeply. You listened the same way. I understand that you listened to find out how people feel. Such deep listening itself has healing qualities. In order to select the right person for the job, it is important that a connection is made and I felt this connection.
I recommend Tanya to people like me who have had unresolved pain since childhood. Tanya creates a safe place and space. Even though I was a little wary before the meeting, I felt completely safe, well and completely normal. It was important for me to be safe and open."
Mark, Australia
Emotional overeating resolved
Issue: emotional eating
Result: stop emotional eating, feel comfortable in own body, weight loss
"I came to Tanya with a desire to lose weight. During the first session, Tanya helped me understand what emotions I was trying to fill with food. Tanya very delicately helped me figure out why this problem is no longer a problem for me, and at the end of the session I saw myself letting go off the excess weight easily and effortlessly. Honestly, I did not expect such a powerful transformation and such relief, I woke up a completely different person the next day. The individual recording helps me fall asleep and I feel better every day. Tanya supported me for all 3 weeks after the session, which was very important and necessary, because I had emotions and I needed help dealing with”
Issue: low self-esteem
Result: confidence, self-acceptance
I used the second session to consolidate the result and work out additional problems that emerged after the first session, and the result was phenomenal. I learned a lot about myself and accepted myself as I am. I got rid of negative beliefs about my appearance, and let go of the need to know and care how others perceived me. Now I have no need to eat out of boredom , my relations with my family improved, because I stopped blaming them for everything. I stopped being a victim. After 2 months of working with Tanya, it was as if some kind of block had broken through, and everything I want came to me by itself. My figure began to change, I met a genuine romantic partner, got a promotion at work, and most importantly, I believe in myself and love myself.
Stopped being a victim, changed her love life
I highly recommend Tanya and her hypnotherapy to anyone who is ready for it. Be prepared to find out things about yourself, sometimes not the most pleasant things hidden deep in the subconsciousness, but Tanya is a very delicate person and a professional in her field. She creates a safe and welcoming space for you”
Maria , Australia
Sugar craving resolved, connection with self
Problem: binge eating disorder, sugar cravings
Result: Stop binge eating, stop sugar craving
“I came to Tanya by recommendation of a friend to solve the problem of compulsive eating. It helped my friend, and we had similar symptoms. I knew that the problem is psychological in its nature, and inner work could help to cope with this.
Now, after working with Tanya, I understand why I needed sweet food, and I started to listen to myself. I follow my body’s signals on what to eat, as a result, I eat less and healthier food. I do not force myself into a diet or exercise, no more forcing strict regulations on myself! I know what is good for me and what is not. I feel the healing process has started and I see the potential. I do not strive to quickly lose pounds, as I have done in the past. I do not want to fight and hate myself. Instead, I have given myself up to the natural process of self-regulation.
I am not ashamed of my body, as I used to before, trying to escape into the future. I no longer live in the hope of a good future, sometime later, happy in a fantasy. I relaxed, I live now and accept myself now. After working with Tanya, I felt the contrast between the states of fear and calm. I got the answer to my initial request, which I put at the start of the session. My request was to accept myself.
I recommend Tanya to people who want, but cannot find themselves, do not understand why they are here. Tanya’s method is suitable for those who have unresolved problems and cannot understand their cause. This method is different from other programs that do not provide a solution. With Tanya, we removed the old and built fundamentally new, but not through denying, but rebuilding and care.
I have a lot of experience working with therapies, and despite the long experience working on the problem, no one could give me instructions on how to solve it. If you have problems, Tanya will help you understand what to do with yourself and how to hear yourself. At some point in my life, I closed off and sealed the connection with myself, unable to withstand the inner pain. Tanya helped me find and restore this connection. "
Ann, Israel
Public speaking
master classes
Webinar “Good Enough Parent. Mindful Parenting. ”
“For a very long time I have been interested in the topic of childhood traumas, projection of parents' behaviours into our children and relationships in the family! Tanya skillfully explained the topic of attachment injuries and how to recognize them. Tanya devoted time to answer every one’s questions. And the bonus for everyone was meditation “healing of the inner child”. Tanya's voice is great, I managed to go deep into myself and get answers from within to what worried me, increasing my desire and will to take care of myself and to love myself more.
The result of this session - I will love my children like my inner child !!! And tell them the right words. I cannot but mention the organizational aspects, everything was done on time.. Thank you! I hope to see you soon!
Natalia, Australia
Client result. Lena is 20 kg lighter after a session on weight loss.
Re discovered self-love, found love
Issue: Self-worth, feeling insecure in romantic relationships
Symptoms: expectation that something bad will happen, there will be a disaster, associated insecurity in the relationship.
Result: Confidence, sense of security in the relationship, calmness and confidence in the relationship.
The severity of the problem before the session - 10 / after the session - 2.
Question: We worked 4 times on different topics. What prompted you to sign up for the fourth session with me?
Answer: I see the result immediately after work. I see not only the result I came for, but also additional transformations. The first time I worked with you was a year and a half ago, when I came with a problem of emotional overeating. This problem was gone immediately. After that session, I don't overeat anymore.
Q: The sessions are quite intense, who would they suit? Is it worth it?
Answer: For 3 hours in a session with you, I could process a lot. So here's the choice: either process and solve a bunch of stuff in 3 hours or go to psychologists for years. I went to a psychologist. I was confused by a question that was often asked there, “What do you think about it?” Here I am, sitting and thinking.
Working with you, problems can be solved quickly and understood quickly, so I can understand myself and the cause of the behavior or symptoms. It can be scary in the moment, but then it quickly passes, a sense of freedom comes, and it is even easier to breathe. I like Zoom sessions, which means I'm at home, and I feel safe. You also create a safe space. It is important to understand that whatever we are working with is in the past, the worst has passed, and now I am an adult, and you also remind me that I am an adult. It is possible to stop reactive behavior after a session. The work is intense, but it is not difficult, because you see yourself from the outside.
Question: What helped you in the session, in addition to what you have already noted, what personal qualities helped you?
Answer: Determination - I want the best for myself, I decide to change and need to know the reasons for my reactions. I am also very curious while in the session because I get to understand myself and see my inner world. I learned a lot about myself from the sessions.
Question: What are the results after the last session on the relationships?
Answer: I am very calm, I do not need to stress about my relationship, I do not think of a catastrophe in my head, there is no panic that I’d be late or fail to do something. There is no expectation of something inevitable or bad to happen. I sleep well, and I exercise. I am connected to my body. I enjoy cardio, and do it not with the purpose to lose weight but to take care of myself. I enjoy myself, I feel fresh and energised. I eat intuitively by listening to my body.
Q: In our last session on relationships, we had to work with intergenerational trauma. You had not encountered this before, but at that moment in the session, when the need to work on such a deep level arose, you decided to unload intergenerational trauma. How did you feel?
Answer: There was a feeling that it was important to do it then, and it was not difficult. I understood where this problem came from, and that the weight I carried made me hide from the emotional discomfort. This issue of emotional disconnect lasted for many generations, so someone had to stop the cycle.
M. Australia
Client result. IBS symptoms gone
Problem: Irritable bowel syndrome, associated anxiety.
Result: calmness, relaxation in the body, a strong reduction in the syndrome.
Severity of the problem before session "10" / after session "3".
Describe the results after the session, what helped you the most and how do you feel now?
I feel much better. The symptoms are almost gone: this is something incredible. I have a positive view of the world; and everything is different. It's amazing. I don't feel like I'm stuck anymore; I can handle my feelings. I know that I can heal myself, there is no more feeling that I am stuck. Most importantly, I began to value myself. Many feelings and beliefs were processed in the session. The session helped me to let go off the old and instal new feelings and beliefs. I try to relax in my body. Before I was often overwhelmed by fear and felt tense in my body, especially around the belly, now, I am relaxed.
It has always been important for me to do meditation, follow spiritual practices and pray. But at some point, it no longer helped with anxiety and IBS. Hypnosis is another level of work. I came to Tanya because I was desperate.
But I didn't want to go to traditional medicine. My doctor had already prescribed antidepressants for my anxiety. I decided to come to Tanya, because it was important for me to look inside and understand what was happening inside.
In the session, we sorted out a lot of difficult emotions and beliefs from the past that kept me stuck in the past. After the session, I listened to the transformational recording 2 times a day and this helped immensely in reducing and regulating my emotions and symptoms. I noticed that when I didn't have time to listen to the recording 2 times a day, I felt uneasy. I felt much better on the fifth day, after listening to the recording twice a day.
This type of inner work is suitable for a person who wants to look inside and see what is happening in their inner space. Believe that you can fix everything, but it is important to look inside. A hypnosis session with Tanya and ongoing 3 week support will help you with this. People are afraid to look inside. But, believe me, there is no need to be afraid, it seems that it is very scary there, in fact there is nothing to be scared of. There are feelings that need your attention and your support.
P. Australia
Abusive relationships with narcissists stopped
Problem: Repetitive cycles of harmful and hurtful relationships.
Result: Understand and release the blocks to loving, fulfilling, mutually supportive and nurturing relationships.
Change in the severity of the feeling of abandonment: from 9 to 5
"I heard you talking about spirituality, and how it is all connected to our emotional and physical well being. It makes sense to me. I wanted to explore that in hypnosis.
The session was overwhelming, and it affected me greatly, in the way that I learned about myself how I needed to fix others to get love. I understood a lot about male and female energy in me. How I wanted to protect when I needed protection. Also the energy dimension that was present in the session was important; it’s something that we don’t take into account. I felt release, electric tingling and how my soul started coming together.
Well, right now, I could recommend 20 people who would benefit from it.
You have to be accepting and open to it, not closed or challenging the images that come up. I had never before experienced my body talking to me, like broken parts of my soul got a voice. Then I felt release and energy going around my body.
To get a result, you have to have a suspension of disbelief. Let go of any strong beliefs and just be there, and those broken bits start coming together. "
Lynne, Australia
Client result. Blocks to creativity cleared.
Amanda experienced a "huge, massive shift" in her after the session. FREE to be with a partner, free to create, free to be herself.
I am still flying high after my session with Tanya I saw Tanya for a session on money blocks, but it ended up so much deeper than that. I was able to understand the blocks I have been holding onto since I was in the womb, and even earlier.
I now feel so free, free to be my authentic self in all areas of my life. I am free to remove the masks I was hiding behind and claim my truth. You can not put a price on this freedom. Thank you, Tanya, from the bottom of my heart.
Amanda, Australia.

powerful emotional shifts in 1 session