You are the source.
It’s all energy.
The easy distinction is between survival and manifesting energy.
But in fact it’s all ONE.
To manifest you must unpack the survival energy that you have within.
Without reclaiming, re-integrating, and re-purposing the survival energy that is working within you now, you CAN NOT manifest.
By integrating the survival energy, you can create a sustainable and renewable source of energy within you.
HOW CAN I DO IT? You ask.
The question is not HOW, the question is WHY.
Everything has a source.
Everything has an origin.
Nothing can exist without a purpose.
Life is intentional and purposeful.
The energy you have within you now is your source.
Know the source within.
No matter how it presents.
Negative OR positive.
If you are unhappy, know the source of your unhappiness.
The question to this energy is
WHY do you exist?
What made it important for you to come into existence?
Speak to your creations.
Just for a minute, assume a role of a god and wonder about the lifeforms that you have created.
