What is regression hypnotherapy?
Can it help with emotional blocks and unconscious patterns in my life?
Many people associate regression hypnotherapy with going to their past lives.
It is the most known explanation that was popularized by the giants of regression hypnotherapy. (Dr. B. Weiss, Dolores Cannon, others)
Regression hypnotherapy can also be referred to as root cause therapy. This is what I practise.
In this work, regression is used to go to past memories in current or previous life to understand blocks or feelings that hinder your development or just make your life difficult at the present.
Any regression into the past is driven by the needs of the present. Otherwise, what’s the point? It is in the present where I live and it is the present that I want to enjoy.
HERE and NOW is important.
These are some examples of struggles that people discuss in a hypnotherapist's office.
“I am struggling to learn a new skill. I have tried everything. Why can’t I learn it?”
“I carry so much extra weight, I have tried diets and exercises. Why can’t I lose it?”
“I am stuck in toxic relationships. I keep attracting the same type of person. What is wrong with me?”
We all have blocks and repeating patterns in our lives that seem to evade any “logical” explanation; they do not budge no matter how hard we try to address them. Because we can’t seem to find an explanation for these patterns or release them, we make a story about ourselves.
“I must be dumb.
It must be genetic.
It’s my destiny.
I was cursed.”
This is where regression hypnosis can help you.
It suggests that there is a REASON for anything that exists. A symptom, a block, a pattern- all exist; they all manifest. They exist because at some point they were created. Created by you.
As you assume responsibility you created this form of life ( a pattern, a thought, a symptom, a feeling), you assume responsibility for uncreating it, giving it another form, or releasing it.
This is what excites me about hypnosis.
It opens up doors into unconsciousness, subconsciousness, and superconsciousness to seek answers, to understand ourselves, and to learn about ourselves as creators. When we are in hypnosis we simply and naturally enter a 4D reality, the one with no time.
We place ourselves in the timeless realm where all exists simultaneously, all data from the past, future, and present, everything from any dimension. We can access anything we need.
Understanding the origin of the life form helps bring compassion and gratitude to what has been working in you for you. The symptom or pattern that you hated and wanted to go, in fact, played a specific purpose in your life. This purpose has ALWAYS to do with your survival.
The more I practice hypnosis on others and myself, the more I see the beauty of all energy working for our own good, even when it shows up for us as something scary and undesirable.
If you want to try regression hypnotherapy, come with an open heart and be ready to learn about yourself as a creator. After releasing and reconciling with inner parts, be ready to create new life consciously.