So how does hypnosis work? I have always been skeptical and never tried it.
Skeptical about hypnosis?
I can relate to it 100%. I myself was the biggest skeptic. Even though I was always very imaginative creative, and open-minded, I never believed in..
past lives.
accessing early childhood memories like in utero
life between lives
future lives
Now, after having experienced the above and seeing the clients experiencing it in hypnosis, I am more of a believer.
What happens in hypnosis?
Do I remember anything when I wake up from hypnosis?
There is no going to sleep; you are fully aware. You talk, you move, you can stand up- it can be useful to move esp when stuck energy starts moving. Some people don’t even close their eyes, or you can open your eyes any time, if we are interrupted (Zoom) you can go back straight where we left off.
It is very easy and simple because hypnosis is a natural state of mind and we are hypnotized all the time, watching tv, driving, and staringoutt the window.
It's when you do not sleep, but you are very relaxed.
The goal of going into hypnosis is to access subconsciousness.
Subconsciousness is not limited by time, space, or logic, has no boundaries at all. It has all data from all times, everything that ever was, is, or will be is there. Every thought, every feeling, everything. It’s like the internet that has all data.
When we access subconsciousness, it doesn't mean we turn off conscious awareness. Your conscious mind is aware. Even when we go into a past or future memory, we keep the link with the present. Remember any regression into the past is driven by the needs of the present. So we are only going into the past to look for answers, for the understanding of a current condition.
In hypnosis, we bypass the aspects of the conscious mind by accessing the emotional mind. The conscious mind does a job to report back to us what it observes.
It takes the part of an observer or reporter, not so much an analyzer or judge as what it normally does in everyday life.
Who does the healing in hypnosis? You do, the self. Your adult person.
What does it mean?
Imagine, we go back to a memory that has to do with a symptom, say the feeling of anger. If subconsciousness is the internet, our question is what we put in a search box of google. We can ask subconsciousness a question like this "When did it become necessary for your system to create this symptom? "
Remember, to exist for anything, there has to be a reason. Metaphysically speaking, we know that thought creates. A thought is often created because the system needs to protect itself, and the thought- belief can do that.
Thought "I am not safe." If this thought-belief is formed, an instinct kicks in to shut us down and go into the state of survival. The nervous system responds with its own reaction for survival, and all cells of your body react to this and change your biology as a reaction to the thought.
This thought is not verbal; it’s often a sense of not being safe. Oftentimes these thoughts- beliefs are formed very early in life before we have the ability to speak. Nevertheless, they are very powerful.
You can get stuck in this biological reaction created by the thought belief. Psychological symptoms and physical symptoms follow.
Working in hypnosis, we are searching and we are asking your mind to show us the event or events when we got stuck, to show us a memory.
A memory doesn't have to be a picture or a scene; it can be an image, a feeling, or a sensation in the body. It can be scenes or actual memories from the past.
What's important is that, from all the data and information available from the subconsciousness, your mind flashes out the information specific to the qn ( just like google search engine) . So our job is to make links and make sense. Why and how this information relates to the present problem?
In this form, hypnosis is used to connect and work with the subconscious to upgrade the belief-thought and release the unconscious past. This unconscious past exists in the present in our MIND BODY and prevents us from moving forward.
What are your thoughts on hypnosis? Are you curious to try it? Does subconsciousness have a role in your life?