People say they always run OUT of energy.
You say: “I have NO energy”.
It’s absurd.
It’s impossible to run out of energy.
The only possibility you run out of energy is
because you are running on the wrong type of energy
By its nature, survival energy can only run within a closed system,
It runs within a closed circuit of mind, and body.
It is a closed electromagnetic circuit that relies on old stress vortexes within you to run.
It is fueled by outdated, unconscious beliefs you hold about yourself.
It is NOT sustainable and NOT renewable.
Sooner or later it runs out.
It’s like using coal for electricity
And not solar power.
What in fact is coal?
It’s fossils.
It’s dead animals.
When you run on survival energy,
You are running on reanimated past.
Past is dead.
But it lives in you.
How can you build your life by burning internal fossils?
