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Is exam stress bad or good?

Stress facts

· Stress was evolutionarily developed to activate us to take away from danger.

· Stress requires high energy resources from you.

· Exam stress can be a threat to your future life.

· The stress response is useful as it activates us- our bodies and minds. It helps produce more oxygen, more focus, and more motivation.

Who makes stress good or bad?

You do. You are the KEY.


Stress is a high-energy resource that you CAN USE.

Or stress can use you.

If you attach your value to the exam mark. “If I fail, I am bad”, then stress runs you.

Your attitude to exams changes everything.

"The exam is a way to challenge me and grow even more from the good person that I already am. "

Then your motivation and performance increase. Your exhaustion reduces.

Please, contact me for your complimentary recording. Just email with the subject line, "exam". The meditation recording will help you to relax and reinforce healthy self-value, and increase motivation and focus.



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I love writing and speaking about all things human. What makes us so godly human. What inner technologies we were gifted in our minds, bodies and spirits. How can we learn about these technologies and use them with wisdom and playfulness.  Feel free to subscribe, as I will be psyched to keep in touch. 

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