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Dreams of Significance

Night - 13.12.20

Title: Star of David

Message: be a Star of David

This star is a shining star. It is giving out radiance.

Character in the dream.

A woman broadcasting from what looks like tv. She appears to be on the screen, but in fact, she is in another realm. She is saying that she is retiring or close to retiring. At this instant, she informs and calls on special, chosen people to tune in and turn into their innate radiance state.

She is at the stage when she has done all she needed to do and she is no longer progressing in the material state, the body state. However, she is waiting on the chosen ones, as their souls are of the higher order to do the work.

This woman speaking in the dream is radiant, shining with the inner light, angel-like, and full of life.

She is the Mage of the Highest order. The Ancient Star.

“When you are a star, you are the radiance.”

What is the work?

The work is to be the star, permeate and radiate the light of particular quality.

“Your process is being witnessed and supported”.

She is witnessing it all, along with other witnesses.

What should we import into 3 D life from this dream?

“When I speak, I give power, creating energy, and breathing life into the state of being; as I speak I create.”

Warning: The radiance of the star is Radiation that can be toxic to others. Others are those whose bodies are not alchemized enough.

Simply because they are at the developing stages, and they can get hurt and be overwhelmed with fear.

They will punish you for their fear, not out of ignorance but out of malicious intent. Because it is their path at this stage, and it is their time to experience trauma resources. This is intentional at a deeper level but hidden from their awareness.

Intent, even hidden, always comes through and is experienced by other people as genuine and disruptive to their fabric of life that is currently taking form and manifestation.

Take this lesson, the emerging stars.

  • I am gentle and caring with what is developing and installing in me. Trusting the process.

  • Alchemization is happening at the highest degree to transmute ancient energies.

  • Tapping and giving full expression to the part of the soul that is divine and transcendent, the connector and the god.

  • Alchemization allows the body to experience and contain the higher energies, the divine soul aspect.

  • Not everyone is at that stage and not everyone should be. Respecting all paths is the key.

The woman speaks: “ I am a mage calling to the stars of my order to become aware of their galaxy and constellations. Use your innate tools of radiance to create a network for the light to travel. The chosen ones will bathe in the light and alchemize according to the intent: internal and external. Raising their soul order, progressing in their casts.”
star radiance dreams
dreams of star of david



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I love writing and speaking about all things human. What makes us so godly human. What inner technologies we were gifted in our minds, bodies and spirits. How can we learn about these technologies and use them with wisdom and playfulness.  Feel free to subscribe, as I will be psyched to keep in touch. 

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