Creating a momentum

"You are stressing out because you care".....
So we live in a stress driven world; stress is given a special rating and value in work and private lives. To achieve at work, for example, stress is almost a necessary ingredient. It often demonstrates that you are a hard and keen worker, the industrious one, the one that goes the extra mile. The one that cares and commits with their own inflated by stress cells, blood and tears.
Then comes a moment in your life when you decide to unload stress from your system. You stop giving stress value and a job to validate your own efforts. You decide “I have No more interest in stressing out.”
You get very relaxed, almost blissful, your body is enjoying your permission not to stress and is going about doing its work sustaining your life force in a calm, nonchalant way. This takes you out of survival and into …..?
Living beyond survival mode is not for every one....
There is just one thing I need to mention about survival. Now, you have to be serious and really interested in living beyond survival mode. For many folk, even though attractive, it is not really a very viable way to live. In truth, surviving has its own benefits. It keeps you in the ever so soothing familiar habit of behaviour. When you are surviving, at least you know what to expect, you have done it a million times. The life road is so well travelled, you can walk it blindfolded.
Anyhow, you get to be out of the survival mode.
Your body starts shedding and unloading stresses because this is what evolution programmed it to do when you are not interfering by your adherence to stress regimes.
As a result, you start experiencing yourself in a centralized way, like YOU ARE all here. All of you is present, and there is minimum conflict within. Imagine that THE Inner Critic, THE Perfectionist or Mother’s voice are gone. It’s nicely quiet inside. I call it being in your own Self- energy; the calming, sustaining and renewable way to live. If you are scared, you can calm, soothe yourself and generally self- regulate pretty quickly. You are resourceful in the way that you sustain your life force. There are less and less things that freak you out. You let go of things easily, like there is nothing worth holding onto. There is nothing worth stressing about.
What comes next? I am not one of those special people who bliss out and get internally high on the “universe juice” ( as K. Panda stated it). I like neutrality and neutrality for me is wisdom and a pretty comfortable place to live. I sit in my neutrality.
Catch comes in a form of Dean Boxall
Then comes a catch, a conundrum in a way. Here I am going about my life, being a container of balanced life force within a pretty relaxed body. I have inner confidence to be in the world. I have a sense of mastery over my inner world. There is knowing that the world is supportive, and I am generally pretty grateful, which is another indication that I am ok.
While I am floating inside these energetic happenings, the catch comes in the form of Dean Boxall, a 20 year old swim coach of the Olympian, Titmus.
The whole world saw his animalistic, raw, and absolutely captivating reaction on his protege’s win. He made me feel this electric energy which I think he turned on from the place he was standing and reacting and transmuted it to so many of us across the globe.
What is he transmuting? What is that energy?
Then I get it. It’s the energy of MOMENTUM.
“Catching momentum is the hardest thing,” he said. “You can put in really good training blocks but it’s really the confidence that comes with it. “You are catching confidence and great work together- and that’s the recipe for success. Trying to hold momentum together is probably the most difficult part of my job”, Dean Boxall said.
Now, I am not an Olympian, but we all feel when time in our life comes that requires us to put our best confidence in. In preparation for this time, through our actions, we create and hold that confidence even when there is no indication when we will really need it. We just keep collecting it and creating this energetic surge within our bodies, minds, hearts, guts, our whole human system to conquer that summit or to do that task that deep in your heart we know we are called to do.
Creating momentum is the next big step.
Experiencing the energy of momentum is the deal!