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Do this to check with your mind body your readiness to manifest

Let’s explore the relationship between survival energy and manifesting energy.

A simple exercise will help you notice where the survival energy is located in and around your body.

-Manifesting Energy-

The main distinction of Manifesting energy is its ability to work effortlessly and naturally. It's like taking a comfortable breath. Manifestation happens naturally and effortlessly because everything in you is so harmonized in its own nature that you become a natural extension of nature and YOU ARE NATURE. You are aligned within and without so that the loving laws of the universe work through you and in you. You do not have to be a saint for this. It’s about being harmonised with your OWN nature. To know your nature and let it work for you is a necessary step to freeing yourself from the occupation of trauma, cultural conditioning, family and transgenerational conditioning, and expectations of others.

Knowing and unpacking survival energy within is the beginning of your freedom. When you unpack and free the energy, your body gets very relaxed. You get to know and reintegrate whatever is in you. Your own energy unfolds. Your mind gets relaxed and becomes more of an observer, and less of a judge.

You are settled in your BEING.

Imagine your day;

you get up,

brush your teeth,

you have little thoughts, as you enjoy and are present enough just being with yourself and others, noticing what is actually happening in you and around you.

You are not stuck in yesterday's thoughts and feelings.

When you are in manifesting energy, because of its high vibrational quality, your processing of life events is very fast.

What it means, for example, it becomes almost impossible for you to hold a grudge or keep talking about past hurts. The energy feels more like a wave, like running water in the shower. It washes over you and keeps flowing. You are not sucked into anything; it just moves through you. If you have a conflict or issues, you process them and move on.

-Survival Energy -

In contrast, when you are in the survival energy, your processing can be very very slow. You might have to spend years or even decades to process data within and without and still never be able to move on.

We all know people who seem to talk about the same thing over and over again, about something that happened to them many years ago, yet they get very animated and activated when they talk about it. They keep investing their energy and resources into reanimating the past. This is a sign that the information was not processed, was not digested, metabolized, or eliminated. These people are stuck inside a system that is running on survival energy.

When you're manifesting, the processing happens hundreds of folds faster. Say, when you encounter a conflict, you can get over it pretty quickly. Moreover, once processed, you don't carry any remnants of it in your body or your mind. You stop carrying the past in your system. Nothing gets stuck in your MIND BODY: information flows, and your body clearly knows it doesn't have to hold onto anything just in case it needs it for survival.

To manifest fully and naturally, we need to create a relaxed body and empty mind.

A relaxed body has more energy and, therefore, can manifest. Information and data can be downloaded, digested, and metabolized, and eliminated at high speeds.

Everything is a process of digestion: Physical, emotional, and spiritual. Because you have a physical body, you can not leave it out. Everything goes through it.

To manifest, it is essential to digest, metabolise, and if necessary poop out the toxins of the survival energy. This energy is often the energy of trauma.

Trauma IS survival. I like to call it "a wise, compassionate gift of nature to all living things." This is exactly how I view and treat it. I learn from it and let it leave, let it recycle, and let it reintegrate.

There are many many trauma therapies that are effective at relieving and re-integrating trauma, and I will make a post about them later.

-Super Simple Exercise to Check with your Mind Body System your readiness to manifest-

Now, let’s try this super simple exercise to quickly check how close you are to manifesting what you want if there are immediate blocks that stop you from manifesting, and get a sense of where these blocks are located. We are not going into the work of dismantling blocks, or understanding them, just locating and bringing a little attention to this.

This will give you an idea of the distance between you and that dream.

(Now the word of caution. The exercise is best done with eyes closed and involves noticing body sensations. Sometimes, when people carry a lot of trauma in their bodies, they might feel unsafe to close their ideas and look inside their bodies. In this case, you can have your eyes open and also you can be slowly moving around as you are doing it. Notice any strong reaction that you have: physical, emotional, or mental. )

You are ready to go.

1- Breath in and out slowly and conformably 3 times. Each time drop into your body if it feels safe and comfortable.

Your eyes are open and unfocused or closed.

2- Say what you want, your dream, as if you are ready to receive it right this minute.

Here is an example.

"I have this beautiful dream house in the country, two stories, a beautiful garden, and animals. I am ready to have."

Say it out loud so you can hear yourself.

3. Now, really listen to what you said. You can repeat this sentence a few times and listen.


  • Notice any change in your voice tone: your voice gets softer, louder, or becomes strained.

  • Notice any sensations in your body -tension, any areas of relaxation, feeling nothing is still feeling. If you feel nothing, notice the parts of nothing. Sensing, tingling, pressure, squeezing. Just the first sensation that you notice. Really become curious about any sensations that you notice.

  • Notice your breath and any changes with the breath.

  • Notice any feelings ( fear, irritation, anger, happiness, lightness, etc)

  • Notice any thoughts or voices.

For a few minutes, continue scanning your mind and body for any reactions, as well as places around your body. Whatever you notice is your body's signals and information, that all have to do with the dream you want to manifest.

Gauge how far or close you feel to your dream.

All the data noticed is your body's signals as it is gauging your readiness to go where you visualize. It informs us about how much survival energy is located in the body, around your body, and how safe or unsafe your body feels about the goal.

Remember, feeling constricted or tense is an indication that your primary needs are those of survival, not manifestation.

Do it as many times as you want to get a good understanding of your own somatic response to your dream.

Your systems are communicating to you about their ability and readiness to get you to your dream.

When I work with clients, say for weight loss, I ask them to say "I am so so kg" or " I have this new job. " People can have an array of different reactions, some of which can be quite extreme like feeling nauseous, feeling tension and constriction, having nervous ticks, and even mild shaking. Many people generally react with quite unpleasant feelings.

So you think, "it’s my dream and it all looks so rosy in my head, why is my system reacting in this unpleasant way?"

It’s all normal. For many of us, this is the first time we check with our system about our dreams. For many of us, this is the first time we look inside to just notice what is present.

What I offered you today is a little exercise in self-noticing, self-exploration, and self-knowing.

Many of us have areas of our body that we have no access to, no connection to, or even no awareness about, like black holes.

Your body is your universe, to which you sent yourself to explore and create conscious life through knowing, noticing, witnessing, understanding, compassion, and love.

It is very powerful to first notice and explore the dense expressions of your own energy- the stress centres in the body, especially if you are struggling with blocks to manifesting.

Remember, everything in you has a place and reason to be and is there for your protection - the protection that you created. Any stress vortex held in the body, any adaptation in the form of eating disorder, critical thoughts, self-loathing, depression, everything, is there to cover up deeper pain. Your system believes it’s not safe to deal with this pain. This belief is unconscious.

I will leave you until next time with this simple but powerful noticing exercise. You are welcome to write down what came up for you.

You can download the worksheet here>



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I love writing and speaking about all things human. What makes us so godly human. What inner technologies we were gifted in our minds, bodies and spirits. How can we learn about these technologies and use them with wisdom and playfulness.  Feel free to subscribe, as I will be psyched to keep in touch. 

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