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A relaxed body has more energy & focus, and can be in 2 places at the same time

Parallel universes experience, Quantum reality of all possibilities

I sat in my regular meditation last night, simply relaxing my focus, mantra bringing me in and out of rivers of thoughts. It was only a few seconds since I started meditating, when suddenly I became aware of a split, 3 splits, actually.

I distinctly split into 3 realities. There was One Tanya sitting in meditation, content and motionless. Another Tanya in a summary dress, took off to a meadow for a picnic with a guy. The third one befriended a giant dog, climbed up on its back and ventured into a spirit world.

A curious things was that those were real lives that each person lived. Those were NOT parts of me, like natural aspects of me or personalities. The three of them, (or should I say the three of ME,) were actual living people.

The feeling that came with it was very matter of fact, these are ordinary people going about their ordinary lives. There was a ring of actuality in all that was happening in every life revealed.

I sat with it for a bit...

Then it dawned on me. Parallel universes! I just split my attention into three lives of me which are actually happening at the same time!

Wanting to understand, I went digging into quantum science that could explain the happening and found a possible explanation of this bizarre experience: Many world interpretation of parallel universes by H. Everett. His theory states "many possibilities already exist." Each one exists in its own universe unaware of others.

Somehow My consciousness saw three openings in the realities and split its attention into every one.

For a while I puzzled about it. How can I live in three realities? Why was it possible for me firstly, to be in them all, and secondly, why was it so spontaneous and effortless?

Then another thing happened the following night. Just before my meditation I slipped into a reality that was so familiar, and yet it was nothing I had experienced, imagined or visualised before. The felt sense of living in a house, its surroundings, my feelings, thoughts, me being with people in that universe - all of it was so real, it was ME and my life. I had no doubt in my mind that this was my life, as real as the one I live now.

As I immersed in that reality, I enjoyed the sense of freedom and knowing that came from experiencing myself in a new form and expression. Curious thing happened to my body- it felt more relaxed as if able to take in more oxygen with no effort and just be in space.

I puzzled a bit about this experience and the more I thought about it the more I understood how such thing became possible. It was what others call "manifestation". But it was coming from a state of consciousness of myself who had already lived this life. There was nothing for me left to do but to live out this reality, expecting the “ consequences of my new state of being ” to show up in my current life.

The only possible explanation why such profound manifestation became possible was enough energy was harnessed, this energy became available to me in my body after healing trauma and re claiming the energy that had been previously frozen. As my body became more and more relaxed I had significantly more energy. In a way I experienced myself more as energy and consciousness and less as matter. This energy was able to efficiently and effortlessly focus on choosing a new possibility from many.



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I love writing and speaking about all things human. What makes us so godly human. What inner technologies we were gifted in our minds, bodies and spirits. How can we learn about these technologies and use them with wisdom and playfulness.  Feel free to subscribe, as I will be psyched to keep in touch. 

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