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May 19, 20242 min read
Toxic stress and anxiety
Adults often experience anxiety and become overwhelmed in normal situations. Here's connection between this anxiety and childhood stress.
Apr 25, 20233 min read
Tired of being stuck in a cycle of victimhood?
(There is a difference between being a victim and victimhood. ) The victimhood or victim mentality can create a powerful sense of...
Feb 20, 20234 min read
People pleasing and compulsive lying can be a trauma reaction
Here is a question from M. " How to stop being a horrid people pleaser and set boundaries so I can stop feeling like I am being used"....
Jan 14, 20231 min read
Requiem for trauma. #2 stories of remembering
Many centuries ago, we drew this contract on the most honest terms in the presence of universal witnesses. The agreement stated that when...
Sep 8, 20226 min read
Do this to check with your mind body your readiness to manifest
Let’s explore the relationship between survival energy and manifesting energy. A simple exercise will help you notice where the survival...
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