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Nov 11, 20222 min read
I have an ADHD brain
#clientstory #clientresult In our first meeting, she said she has ADHD brain. Yes, I understand. And as I listen to her, I hear all the...

Nov 4, 20224 min read
Healing the Emotion
Let’s talk about emotions and the possibilities to heal them. Do you agree that most of our problems are emotional in their nature?...

Oct 15, 20221 min read
Is exam stress bad or good?
Stress facts · Stress was evolutionarily developed to activate us to take away from danger. · Stress requires high energy...

Sep 28, 20221 min read
People say they always run OUT of energy.
You say: “I have NO energy”. It’s absurd. It’s impossible to run out of energy. The only possibility you run out of energy is because you...

Sep 25, 20222 min read
#1 Stories of remembering
Time to relax to remember your essence I am a spirit. First and foremost. Connected to the source and made of it. Spirit that I AM is...

Sep 21, 20222 min read
Dreams of Significance
Night - 13.12.20 Title: Star of David Message: be a Star of David This star is a shining star. It is giving out radiance. Character in...

Sep 15, 20221 min read
You are the source.
It’s all energy. The easy distinction is between survival and manifesting energy. But in fact it’s all ONE. To manifest you must unpack...

Sep 8, 20226 min read
Do this to check with your mind body your readiness to manifest
Let’s explore the relationship between survival energy and manifesting energy. A simple exercise will help you notice where the survival...

Sep 4, 20225 min read
Why can’t I manifest?
In truth, to manifest, you need a large amount of energy of a special, high-frequency quality. Where and how do you harness this energy?...

Aug 31, 20223 min read
So how does hypnosis work? I have always been skeptical and never tried it.
Skeptical about hypnosis? I can relate to it 100%. I myself was the biggest skeptic. Even though I was always very imaginative creative,...

Aug 25, 20222 min read
What is regression hypnotherapy?
Can it help with emotional blocks and unconscious patterns in my life? Many people associate regression hypnotherapy with going to their...

Aug 15, 20222 min read
Masking depression. Are you doing it?
What is smiling depression? Causes and symptoms Depression is treatable Hypnosis as one of the ways to treat depression On the surface,...

Aug 25, 20213 min read
Creating a momentum
"You are stressing out because you care"..... So we live in a stress driven world; stress is given a special rating and value in work...

Jul 20, 20212 min read
How to create inner confidence?
They make comments about your face, your body, how you raise your kids, and suddenly you are overwhelmed with emotions of fear, anger,...

Jun 22, 20213 min read
A relaxed body has more energy & focus, and can be in 2 places at the same time
Parallel universes experience, Quantum reality of all possibilities I sat in my regular meditation last night, simply relaxing my focus,...
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