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“I want you to connect to the Source of Healing, Love, and Joy within…”

How often do we spend years in pain, fear and anticipation, waiting for something to happen or for someone to appear and take the pain away? We long for someone to meet our needs for love, safety and security, to embrace us unconditionally the way we are.  Only then, we think, can we attain happiness and the freedom to be ourselves.

I want to show you the reality in which love and freedom are and have always been at the centre of you. As we release the trauma of the past, we open up to the inner resources we were born with.  We heal faster on all levels and move through life with ease, playfulness, creativity, and joy.


It's like flipping a switch on, and finding yourself in a completely new space: a magical playground where you can create whatever you want. You become the creator and master of the game.

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The decision to go to the source within is the most important step.

Please contact me for your first free consultation to discuss what worries you, and perhaps separates you from manifesting your heart’s desires.


Email me to ask a question
or request a free call!

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© 2022 Tanya Tchirkova

Any use of site materials is allowed only with the permission of the copyright holder and with reference to the source

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