My story

I came to RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) to save my relationship with my daughter.
My life experiences up to that point had been a continuous struggle in spite of many attempts to make my life happier.
I suffered from "complex post-traumatic syndrome", which developed as a result of past trauma. All my adult life, I had continued to experience the consequences of the severe systematic abuse I had suffered during childhood and from which I seemed unable to escape.
Years of conventional therapy had proved useless and left me with a feeling of helplessness and despair. I was barely clinging to life; my children were the only motivation to get up in the morning and keep going. I was a shell of a person with no life inside and no hope for the future. I had issues with work, was entangled in yet another toxic relationship, and had become severely depressed.
What happened to me while working with the RTT method was a real miracle. Very quickly, after just three sessions, I was able to see my trauma for the first time and release its toxins from my body and mind. This immediately freed me from the deepest pain. These sessions kick-started deep inner transformations in me and as a result, my life changed.
Slowly but surely I built a better relationship with my adult daughter. Many physical symptoms that had plagued me for years, such as stomach pains and digestive problems, were entirely gone or drastically reduced. I wrote and published two academic books that were well received in the professional environment. I bought my own house in a beautiful neighbourhood, found a full-time job, and freed myself of toxic relationships.
But most importantly, I have become myself because I have returned to the centre of my True Self. The centre is present in all of us, and no matter how broken we feel, it is alive, radiant and filled with an energy that can explore the world with curiosity and gentleness; it is creative and keen to enjoy life to the fullest.
As soon as I first touched this energy, buried under layers of pain and trauma, I experienced freedom: stress left my body, deep pain disappeared, and my soul was free to fly.
When working with clients, I help to relieve the burden of trauma and fear. My main intention is to help them connect with their Self energy. Coming into contact with this energy, starts the process of self-healing, self-regulation, self-organization and allows the expression of the true authentic Self within.
My approach to therapy

I am often asked: "Do you have regular clients?" The answer is ‘No!’ However, this is NOT a professional failure for me! My aim is to help my clients resolve their issue in only three sessions and connect them to the well of resources within their body and mind for their own healing.
It is very important for me that the therapy is gentle and leaves clients empowered and strong. Beliefs, which are often formed generations before us, can make us suffer and lead us to believe that healing our traumas will be a long and painful process. With RTT, the healing process is much shorter and more effective than traditional therapies. The most successful tools for therapy involve working in a trusting partnership with clients and aiming for a deep and speedy transformation. Clients can resolve their issues in a shorter time.
RTT Practitioner, Marisa Peer School (UK)
Curriculum Developer, Certificate-4 in Teaching and Assessment (Australia)
Master’s in Psychology (South Korea)
Bachelor’s in Teaching and Linguistics (Russia)